The Lodge & Foundation

Transformative lifestyles, solutions and contributions.

Our purpose is to inspire to mitigate the social and environmental pressures for the wellbeing of the world.




The Lodge – Lifestyles and solutions to stay well, supporting individuals towards simplicity and sustainability for the self, society and environment.

宿 − 豊かな生き方を育むライフスタイルとソリューション。人・社会・環境のシンプルな持続可能性を支えます。


The Foundation – Actions and contributions to give well, supporting individuals and organizations to alleviate social and environmental issues. From each of our guests’ booking, we donate 5% to effective causes to contribute to the environment, society and wellbeing. You might think this is a lot, but we think there is more we could do – and we are continuously striving to do so.

ファウンデーション − 社会・環境課題の軽減に向けて、人と組織を支援する行動と貢献。各ゲストのご予約から、社会・環境・ウェルビーングに寄与する効果的な活動に5%を寄付し、さらにできる努力を続けます。

We feel grateful everyday.
For the sun, shining us light in day and setting into the horizon.
For the air and water, breathing us life and food to eat.
For the neighbors, gifting us smiles and local wisdom.
We can’t ask for more

私たちは毎日、感謝の心で溢れています。 光を照らし、地平線に沈む太陽。 命を吹き込み、食べものを育む空気と水。笑顔と知恵を分かち合ってくれる地域コミュニティ。 これ以上のことは望めません。

Shinobu & Adrien